Introducting Estately True Areas

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We just launched Estately True Area Search today to let you search within an area or nearby an area or an address. You’ll see the outline of the neighborhood, zip code or city you’re searching for on the map now. If you look up in the upper left, you’ll be able to limit your search to that area or to within a distance of the neighborhood, city, zip code or address.

Want to live within walking distance of Amazon? Near the Microsoft neighborhood? Share a zip code with Bill Gates? Now you can.

All the normal search options still work just the same. To recap how it works:

  1. Go to
  2. Search for an area (like Ballard)
  3. Go to the upper left and limit your search to homes within a distance of Ballard (half mile? don’t go much farther or you’ll miss out on the “feel” of Ballard and end up in Doug’s neighborhood, Greenwood)

We’re pretty excited about this feature (as we are with every feature, I suppose). It’s our response to the variety of requests for eliminating the east side (or the west side) from people searches – most Seattle-area home buyers seem to pick one side of Lake Washington and stick to it. It also make subscribing to the actual search you want easier: no longer will homes from Fremont seep into your Ballard search unless you want them to.

Where are the dynamically updated stats showing the average price and size of every home that matches your search? Fear not: they’re over in the upper right hand corner of the map. Just click the plus symbol.

I know I’m probably the only person in Seattle who also lived here in 1993, but we’re looking the slightly worn “Out of the Box” phrase in the eye and giving it new a new, Web 2.1 look and feel (that’s means it’s reflective and has sparkles). Estately True Areas: Search Beyond the Box.
